Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Funny Foto Friday: Puppies Running and Veins

Today was a rest day. Boy, did I need it. Last night, as I was thinking about how awesome my rest day is going to be (full wine glass in hand), I got to thinking about which comes first: The rest day or the 3 glasses of wine I have before the rest day. Chicken? Or egg? You see, on Thursday, I had a killer track workout where I pushed a little too hard and sweat more than a hooker in church. I'll recap the (epic) run more in a later post.

This week's funny foto friday isn't so much funny as it is cute followed by disgusting. Hopefully it will even out. Sort of like a frozen burrito that is burnt on the outside and ice cold in the middle. On average, it is cooked perfectly!!

So, I'm not sure why this is funny to me, but it is. Although, when I think about it, 90% of things that you put in slow motion are pretty funny to laugh at. Basset Hounds running are certainly no exception. I have to think that while running I'd have a little bit of Basset Hound shake to me too. More can be found here!

Finally, veins. The Tour De France is going on right now. Or, at least I assume it is. I haven't been able to find any decent coverage on TV amongst all of the reality TV and murder trial coverage.

There is one thing that is certain: professional sports are hard on your body - no matter how careful you are or how much you dope. The best example? Georgie Hincapie's legs. (Sent to me by IronChad) After thousands and thousands of miles in the saddle, dude has some SERIOUS varicose veins going on. Either that, or he has a brain growing inside of his leg. Happy Friday!

No one is ever allowed to complain about varicose veins ever again
Now, who is hungry?

Don't forget to enter my FREE $100 value Brooks shoe giveaway from! Not doing so would basically be like setting $100 on fire or letting your dog eat $100 and not going through the work to sort through his poop to dig it out.